

Why yes, I have been obsessively looking at Westfalia camper vans, how did you know? And planning  road trips to the coast and dreaming of quitting my job and just driving. Ridiculous. But wonderful to imagine. In other news, I bought my first pair of dangly earrings and over baked some banana bread. And made a surprise box for newlywed friends (like this, but more like a child made it). And had friends over for dinner and am working a half day. That's my whole life! Oh! And our wedding photos appeared this week. I'm so in love with Joshua. And Jessi.

This is the coolest remodel of all time. And photos. From AT.

Spencer sent me this. I love my friends.

Mumford tour blog: Chicago.

Still one of my favorite SNL skits.

A wedding.

Man soccer take skill!

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