

A wedding! A baby shower! Laundry! It's the best weekend ever!

(I am enchanted by this children's bedroom from here)

Not so secretly in love with this teeny dress.

One of my favorite SNL sketches in recent years (probably because Joshua used to make me translate for him)!

The wedding I'm going to is in a castle. I know.

Book club started back up this month and I'm so excited that this is the first book!

Sweet friends (I will never tire of them).

Built-ins, my favorite.


Open Door Policy-


Do you have one? I grew up without anyone dropping in to hang out, ever. We live a bit out from town, we have a gate and a large dog, there's never been a stay-at-home mom and everyone's schedules are varied so chances are no one is home or someone is sleeping.

My family (in a more broad sense, the four families I make my life with) has different views on the idea. It seems like people are always popping by or hanging out. I value greatly having a place that is a refuge but I also want to create a place where people want to be! I'm not sure how to manage that balance right. It seems like families that people feel comfortable visiting get burned out/never have family time and that families that have a closed home miss out on a vital segment of life.

What keeps people from having more people over? Is it a clean house? A busy schedule? I don't want to let either of those things get in the way when I have a home. I think it's a conscious decision though, it would be easy to slip into becoming a hermit (I mean clearly you like to spend time with the person you've SHACKED UP WITH). Balance. Balance is key.

Home should feel as welcoming as that bright green door.
To me, and everyone else.


Victory, A Minor

Finally found a place to hang this poster!
It's been hiding behind my scarves for ages. Now I can stare at it from bed, not as creepy as it sounds though.

I procured it freshman year on a spring break trip with my mom,
I think I love it even more now.

A giant Alcatraz poster. Love it.


4YEARS, again.

So we had a change of plans yesterday for anniversary day but I think it turned out perfectly anyway! We pounded out Ikea and I found a dress and Joshua found pants for the weekend wedding coming. Then we chose to forgo meatballs for $3 steak night (which came with parmesan fries and was perfection) with the family, I will now enthusiastically endorse anything Harmon's makes.

And then, oh then, Moonrise Kingdom (and ice cream).

The perfect day.

I'm going to take a minute to brag about Joshua. He's smart and is constantly searching out new knowledge- he's a lifelong learner. He's funny too (at least he makes me laugh). He's kind and pays attention to the kids in our life. He also can never find anything which I find in turns endearing and infuriating (endearing today). To top it off he's handsome. How did I get so lucky?!



Want to hear a funny story?
Joshua called me a couple weeks ago laughing. He was like, "Something hilarious happened this week, we forgot our anniversary! Isn't that so us?" Except it was the 5th, and our anniversary is the 21st! So this morning we told a lady at church that story and then we realized it was the 24th, and we'd actually missed our anniversary! Last year we weeded, this year we forgot twice..

But we're celebrating today in style with The Intouchables and Ikea. We live large. I might even get some meatballs.


We took a ton of photos of Big Time Timmy Jim at the game.



So I've been off the crocheting for a while, I can't make something without a recipient in mind... too afraid of becoming a blanket hoarder and being buried alive in a pile of afghans! But there's a baby coming so I had a reason to try out the sweetest plaid pattern. Oh my word it's to die for.

(There will be green and black vertical lines as well. It's adorable. Just trust me.)

Why aren't we singing this at church on Sunday?!

Best almond joy and stout ice creams ever. And friendliest service.

I cannot stop looking at these rooms! Love the different perspective. From Designmom.

Bible class has never made so many people uncomfortable! In a good way! Joshua challenges us for sure- "The general class is about Christian ethics, specifically how to implement an orthopraxic causation of our behaviors as Christians. Too often I see two things. Either the subversion of Christianity from ones patriotism or the lack of action necessary to say that we are truly disciples."

Guess if I cried when I read this... nailed it!

What a great combination of things: Doctor Who and a pub.

Miss this.


Do I go around humming this? Possibly. It's catchy!
Something about the heat and the windows down brings out the pop/dance music in my soul! I put away the serious music for a month or two in favor of "get out get out get out of my head, fall into my arms instead!" NBD. Not even embarrassed.


Marvel Movie Marathon.

The kids are celebrating being out of school with a two-day-late-night Marvel fest tonight and tomorrow. All of them. I'm 100 years old so I will go to Iron Man and skip the other two tonight. Tomorrow is my first time shooting a gun, a haircut and shots so no movies then either! I'm tempted to make a Captain America shield for today though. I totally dig superheros, it's real people with more explosions.

Are you into superhero movies?

PS- That's exactly what I said about Natalie Portman not being in the movie! Ha! Thank you Chris' for validating my comments!

Summer nails.

Found here.

Trying these for sure, don't they seem so simple for such a high impact look?! Maybe this week. Do you go through nail polish phases? In high school I wore just a top coat for a year. Now I stick to a few shades: mint, rose, grey, a sparkly party polish, and whatever is in trend that season.



India Bourne at the Ben Howard show was wearing some H-O-T leggings. Hot. These actually (from H&M and sold out except on ebay):

And now I am desperate for leggings with a little pizazz! I might even try to recreate the leggings with kneepads look with some old Target leggings, just to give it a go. Here are a couple of fun options from ASOS. I know lots of people hate leggings but I happen to be firmly in the other camp, at least for now!


National Public Radio.

91.7 has saved my life. What else could possibly keep me awake at 0100 driving home from Joshua's house? Nothing else, that's the answer.

The only thing worse than public radio as a kid was listening to only bits of boring audio books. Twenty minutes of the fifth chapter of The Old Man and the Sea? No thank you! It's funny that now it's the thing I look forward to most in my own car. Sometimes Joshua and/or my mom will listen to the same stories and we'll try to tell the others something awesome we heard but they already know it! We joke that our baby won't be lying if they wear this onesie.

Besides, where else can you find an article on current malaria issues, weirdly catchy music, and YA books on friendship all in one nicely organized package. Also this book.


Car magic.

And when I say magic I mean I went to my handy friend and he unscrewed some things and plugged in my new thermostat and now it works. My Eleanor rises again (and yes, my car is named after N.C.'s in Gone in 60 Seconds)!

We take so many photos with her! Her jawa one cracks me up... and we've started an instant laughing game where we just copy whatever ridiculous thing she's doing.



How's your weekend starting?! I love Friday-I even love work/school on Friday because there's hope! I'm going to the Giant's games this weekend. All three of them. Joshua has been in baseball heaven all week, especially with Cain's no hitter! This week has been full of applications (like always) and drooling over an Eames rocker. It's trendy for a good reason: it's functional, light, gorgeous.

(photo from here)

Started something bad (for my sanity but oh so good for entertainment)!

Perfect summer dress for attending weddings. If it's warm where you live.

Last. One.

What a great small space! Tiny home here I come!

Even Jimmy loves her (the only excuse I need)!

A story about Ray Bradbury.

I love it when a movie you have no expectations about surprises you by being delightful. Like this one. It just popped into my head this week and made me laugh.

Is this real? Not sure. Is it hilarious? Yes!


Summertime and the clothing is minimal.

Modest me says, "Put some clothes on ladies!" hussy me says, "The summer of sheer and lace is hereeee! Yipeee!" Unfortunately unless I spend some time in Portland this summer I've not got many places to show off my neon pink bra. Ah well. This seems like a nice summer tank. Not showing off the ta-tas and not a turtleneck. Success.

Pet Names-

Do you use them?

Joshua calls me mami sometimes which makes me laugh, probably because of the novelty (I'd literally never met someone from Mexico until I moved in college to Oklahoma. In fact one of the old men at work called me mija for months before I realized he wasn't swearing at me!).

I call him pumpkin poop. He calls me farts. I tried out BROFRIEND the other day but I couldn't spit out the question I had for him because it made me laugh too hard. Mostly though I call him Joshua. There's something about a person's name... I try to use names as much as possible. Once you know someone it's easy not to use it and so the jolt of the effort is nice. Like a pat on the bum.

The weekend I went to Portland I stopped by Bo Concept and when they asked me if I was looking for anything in particular I said, "Oh my partner and I have been discussing dining consoles and I just wanted to see what you had." To be fair I had been reading Nick Hornby on the ferry and the word somehow slipped in my vocabulary... despite the connotation commonly used being an inaccurate description of us I like it. We are partners. Partners in crime, partners in games, partners in road trips and good root beer discoveries.



Beautiful view on stuff. "Because when you stand in front of everyone you love and to make your vows, many of them know something that you don't: that marriage is complicated and that a life together is longer than you can imagine. They don't just want to come to your wedding, have a few drinks and do the conga line. They want to provide tangible support for the two of you as you grow and build a life together."

It's so true! Like the gift is a tangible representation of all of my prayers and dreams for them. As the gift getter it's decidedly less comfortable... being gracious is a gift. Speaking of gifts, I got the most beautiful carnations yesterday and they are perfect on my night table! Joshua is a pro-gifter.


1. Beautiful light towels. With stripes. From Turkey.
2. A cart. Literally a million uses for a cart in a neutral.
3. A cleaning caddy with healthy cleaning supplies to start married life so fresh and so clean clean!

And the one thing I will never give as a gift? Photo frames. If that is the last thing on your registry I will buy you toilet paper or lube or a gallon of fat free milk. Never a photo frame.



Saw this on apartment therapy and thought that with a little tweaking it could be a TARDIS! How much fun for a kids room! If only we could make it bigger on the inside...

Heck, what am I saying!? It would be cool for my room!
Also, a christmas song and a funny line.



Tesco has online shopping, but only in the UK. Won't stop me from drooling from afar! I need a trip to the UK for three reasons:

1. To eat best houmous.
2. To watch British tv.
3. Because I love it.



The first home weekend in a while, going to see King Tut with some girlfriends on Sunday ( I will be sorely tempted to do this the entire time)! I'm thinking a maxi dress and some strappy sandals to blend in with the famous guest of honor? Too much? I think not!

Brian Ferry, love that kelly green with wood!

Gorgeous photos.

I might just post a Ben Howard song a week. Can't. Stop.

Jubilee nails!

Creepy babies.

Don't be annoyed.


I think I make some pretty valid points. I'm not a genius or anything but I can say a little something on a few topics... you know, like Star Wars, Bon Jovi, Ataturk. I contribute to discussion. BUT let me write them down, because if I try to talk I sound like I have a brain tumor. I hate that! Does anyone else have that problem? It's not that I'm embarrassed but somehow between my brain and my mouth things go awry! And that's not counting snapping at people and saying things I shouldn't. Maybe I should take a vow of silence?! What an idea, I don't think I'm brave enough!

It's funny cause I'm mouthy when it doesn't matter, can respond to until it gets serious and then I am so worried about conveying what I mean that I convey nothing at all. I think Austin Kleon has the right idea:


Area Wide.

Robin Hood themed teen event this weekend.
Yes, Joshua shaved his head to play Friar Tuck.
Yes, we drew ridiculous portraits of people.
Yes, it was awesome.


Playing games.

Do you love games?
I LOVE games.
My mom just bought Blokus for $1 at Goodwill and I can't wait to play with my family!

I love Sorry too.
And Scattergories.
And Phase 10.
Oh man, I need to host a game night this summer. On the porch with cool treats.



It's been a crazy two weeks!
Only a handful of days at home means terrible blogger. Sorry! Back to normal now, as normal as job searching car fixing days can be. Joshua and puppy, life has been good. Dingo loves Joshua and Joshua loves him even though he thinks he's slobbery and stinky (he's not, mostly)! It's so cute- every time Dingo sees Joshua sitting down he backs up to him butt swinging furiously and plops right in his lap! Every time. Cracks me up.


Delano, 2011 + 2012.
A year.
So much changes, so much stays the same.