
Nerf Herder.

I woke up to this on my whiteboard:

Star Wars and love. Ahhh, life is sweet. And nerdy.



This morning before the test we all (the smaller group of try-agains) sat around and talked... somehow it came that we all were wrecks after we found out we failed the first time around. But none of us told each other. We emailed the two people we weren't embarrassed to know that we did not succeed and we cried on our bf's and we sat at each others houses late at night and shyly admitted we were scared, but only in the safety of night and to the people who already knew we were human.
And then in the imminent threat of more we told each other- in case we didn't make it out of there, in case we did. How silly it seemed when we were all laughing. Of course we had been upset! Of course we had doubts and frustrations! And of course we were not alone.

Of course failing one thing did not make us a failure.
And look! We succeeded. Ha.


My favorite game to play as a kid was Sorry.
Luckily I found Mister who likes games, and friends that like games, and Sorry at Goodwill for 99¢. So we played the other night (like a month ago). We also have this old game called Eat It which is ridiculously difficult and all about junk food branding from the 90's.

I lost both games. Terribly.


ooh la.

When I got my job here I bought a totally impractical dress with foxes on it that I will wear all summer. I think when I get my first grown-up job I'm going to get one of these. They will be fun for summer and in 30 years when they come back in fashion my kids will be thankful I indulged.


Tomorrow will be better than today.

What do you do after a truly wretched day?
I bawl on Mister, then I distract my tear ducts with happy things:

Like salad with pecans and strawberries.

Like gorgeous photos and gorgeous tattoos.

I guess the only thing to do is try again tomorrow.


Fun things from Wednesday night.

I'm baking. Banana bread is in the oven and raspberry oatmeal chocolate muffins are waiting their turn. Supplementing studying with some sustenance (pre-planning for test tomorrow)!

Funny story: When I was still in college in Oregon I took a nursing class over a link to Oklahoma... and today the students who were in Oklahoma that I've spent two years put it together that that was me. Apparently they took pictures with me. So of course I facebook stalked them and found the photos.

Also, I found this easy dip dye idea for stationary... now I just need to use all the pretty stationary I have now so I can make more (although one can't have too much stationary, it just inspires you to write more letters)!



Two movies I really like. And I just realized Mr. Bateman is in both. He's got somebody good working for him!


New degree, new room.

I've been piecing together some thoughts on a new room for when I get home: oversized family photos, grey, stripes, a white rug + teepee, and that awesome lightbulb chandelier.
It's not really a cohesive plan or thought yet but it is an aesthetic I like.

(pictures from here, here, and the lightbulb one I think is from the Selby but I can't remember!)


Sans photos.

I have pictures (and from my new camera!) but none of them are loaded on my computer. And I'm getting up early to work out tomorrow.... so sweet dreams.
I watched Step Up 3 tonight, I love dance flicks. So hopefully I dream that I'm an awesome dancer!

Jon Chu is impressive don't you think?



(misc pictures from hair websites...)

Mister DESPISES eurotrash mullets, but I love them! So does my favorite coworker (you know, the one who saw Burlesque with me when Mister wouldn't and who wears his shirts unbuttoned with his hairy chest because that's what the Mexican men like.), and this is really all the permission I need right?
Regardless of the cut, I'm sure summer is the time to try red. And since ombre is in, I can grow it out if I hate it!

Speaking of Fire, Timber cut them down to size tonight, even with an own goal.
Perfect home/season/MLS opener (and it was raining).

Summertime accessories.

mariners cap (to avoid sunburn and support your local team).



Summer is two weeks away.
Not that summer really counts as summer when you're graduating college but whatever. Once I graduate I'm slightly afraid I'll deflate and do nothing. Ever again. So... maybe a list of things to do before I turn 23? Lists are lifesavers. Apathy preventers.

Ten things to accomplish before I'm 23-

- Make a teepee. Sleep in it. More than once.
- Start a granny square and make a tshirt blanket.

- Play volleyball.
- Brush dingo twice a week.
- Visit Megan in OKC.
- Support Miss Engaged.

- Go to the drive-in.
- Do P90X (possibly die after).
- Read my new books and start a book club with the girls (feathers, book clubs, love!).

I'll come up with a tenth somtime. Nine seems daunting enough at this point!



My frienders (I'm not sure why I needed to call her that) DB said something tonight that was beautiful.

"Whether this time we stay home, get to be accompanied by a friend, a love, a similar soul, or get called, once again out on our own to be involved in the lives of those yet unknown to us, potential family. We know we are here now. We may know where we would like to be tomorrow or in a year, but above that we know that our lives are a complicated web pelt events and points of view that do not belong to us. How are we to know where the builders have laid the end of these tracks? We just know that, for now, we have to ride. And today, we are headed north."

I went to Europe with her and a group of people, one of which was this guy-

(her pic)

This is picture from the front of the eurrail website. Totally looks like him doesn't it!? So funny. I laughed when I found it.



About once a year I engage in brief, torrid affairs with hotdogs.
My colon disapproves and my spinach judges me from the fridge.
But it's baseball season!
Victoria's Secret has a new baseball line. Yum.

And mister's Giants (luckily in separate leagues so we can mostly cheer for each other).



Bunny Lane.

I love this house.
I think my minor obsession with houses right now is mostly due to being sick of dorm rooms. Especially now that mine is half packed away anyway!

More sides of the house... all lovely.



Girl time has come to fruition!!
Today we all crowded into the tiny bathroom and decided on graduation dresses and talked about nail polish and laughed about boys and put feathers in our hair. I'm so doing this all summer (girl time and feathers). Cannot wait!!
At least I don't have a tramp stamp.

(A tiny sneak peak...)



I am definitely making some of these when I get home!
So cute! So green! Filled with treats!



I'm working toward creating a wardrobe full of staples and a few select accent pieces from each season, like a grownup. I made a list of ten essentials (chinos, skirt you can dress up or down, dresses, blazer, dark wash slim jeans, sweaters, brown short boot, trench, and stripes)
of which I own 5. Not bad I figure for starting out! And for each essential I pick up I eliminate the junk. I've donated 5 bags to Goodwill this semester (this is a lot out of one room with a tiny dresser)!!

Land's End has some new options for people who aren't 50... my grammy and I used to go through Land's End and she loved their clothes! And now so do I.

(my grammy, probably before Land's End existed.)