
The house.

Ignoring that the photos are crooked I just want to say I finally got mats for those photos! And I sewed a pillow for the couch. It needs a little more stuffing but we're moving forward. Even though things aren't perfect it's definitely a home here. People are in and out and Roo is a terror and the sweetest all at once and there's baking and reading (Unbroken and Yes Please right now) and Christmas music.

And now the tree is up (and there was snow but you can't really see it)! Roo likes to lie by the heater and watch the lights. It's the best. 


WNWR: Brother.

I think my brother is the hardest person in the family to shop for. But somehow this year I finished him up earlier than everyone else! I can't explain it. It was Christmas magic.

This is the only thing Jarrod asked for this Christmas. No joke. SO....

A handsome bag to replace the backpack that he totes. I consider this a need.

The best plaid I've seen all fall.

NPR recommended it and I don't read much science fiction. I'll trust NPR.


A lot of little.

How nuts does that look!

Last week Joshua saw the ad for Fred Meyer: spend $150, get a free turkey. So he sent a quick message out to our friends and today we went shopping! We filled an entire cart to the brim and stuffed the bottom rack even! 

A bunch of people asked if we were shopping for Thanksgiving. I just want to say now- thanks old people for thinking Johnny Joshua and I could pull off a party that needs 20 pounds of potatoes, 20 cans of green beans and corn, 4 hams and 4 pineapples, a whole case of pumpkin filling, a mess of miscellaneous things and a 17 pound turkey. But thanks no thanks.

We took it all to SK Helpline which is the food bank for our area. And I'm not saying this to say anything about us (except that I love Joshua and his big heart and his initiative on this). No one donated more than $30. The whole of it took maybe two hours. A lot of little goes a long way. Just some coordinating and a bunch of families are going to get dinner on Thursday.

It took three tries to get $150 worth of groceries! When we were all done we all said we were terrified when we came up to the cashier because we thought we'd be at $400 dollars and have to return all the pie filler and be humiliated but look at that trunk! I couldn't believe how far the money went. It's easy to help but we don't because we think a dime isn't going to go anywhere. But it does.

I know it's sappy. I don't mind.
Happy Thanksgiving.



I can't believe it's Saturday! We had Friday off (Fleetwood Mac recovery day) and we went absolutely mad- the mall, lunch with a friend, Goodwill, Costco, Winco, movie night at my moms to watch Kinky Boots. I didn't do a lick of cleaning. And it's only Saturday morning! I'm going to clean and bake some practice cookies and sew a pillow. It's home ec in the Wilson's house today! Hurrah. And if you needed one more great thing Beyonce dances in her underwear.

Catchy tune.

Joshua and I picked up this reindeer beanie... it's going to be so festive!

The best smelling fig soap ever.

I'm sure I've posted this a million times but I still love it more than anything. I want to go to there.

Dala horse christmas ornaments! I love Christmas (I may be getting the boxes out today...)!


We bought a chair.

Oh my I love it.
Joshua hasn't sat on the couch since I brought it home and kitten prefers it for naps.
Not bad for a St. Vincent's trip!



I think Thanksgiving might be a small affair this year which actually makes me a little more excited for it! Small gatherings can be well thought out and well decorated. Plus I can make a couple of cutesy decorations no problem! And when all else fails it will still be wonderful to sit around with family and then watch Band of Brothers in our pajamas the next day.

I'm thinking these cookies will go nicely with ice cream since we don't really do pie.

And I love both of these simple ways to take a moment and be thoughtful about what we are thankful for. I have supplies for both (maybe I should be thankful for my growing craft drawer) but I think I might go with the mats. 

But basically Thanksgiving should be called "I'm thankful that Christmas season can begin!"


WNWR: Mama.

Apparently I talk about my mom all the time. To everyone. Work knows my best friend is my mom. Dolores (the nice old lady we play cards with) knows my mom and I are best friends. It's pretty great until I want to punch her when we are walking at the Y and we get in a fight. But after that it's pretty great. Yes. I love my mom. And even these not real but really great presents are getting me excited for her real presents!
Enough already.

A cooking class in Poulsbo, because experiences are the best gifts.

A pot rack- for ease of making delicious soups and more room to sit on her counters and talk.

A poncho, because being cozy and adorable in the winter is possible. Also good for the zombie apocalypse.

The best book I've read all year. I would have given a copy to everyone I know if I thought they would read it!


WNWR: Husband.

Christmas shopping for Joshua is my favorite. Seriously. I wish I had a million dollars to buy him all the ridiculous things I want to. But that pesky Mr. Ramsey bums out that plan (debt free is so enticing and a present in itself) so I'll stick with a couple smart choices!

A trip to the City by the Bay. And a trolley ride where you ride on the outside (he's crazy brave).

They're not glamorous but most things you need aren't. Keep those feet toasty!

A sweater to keep warm. And to brag.

Lila (An article with the author).


WNWR: Sister.

I know. But we have a candle called spice cupboard (which I highly recommend) and it's freezing at night and that's all it takes for me to jump on board the Christmas train! Wooh wooh! Trains in the station and I have a ticket!

Lovely Sam Smith to croon with on the way to work. I would want this if I didn't have it already.

Postcards, needed to keep in touch with friends in Sequim.

A colorful scarf to wear in winter from FashionABLE.

Because everyone loves her and they like her. Read more books.