
tv... i watch it.

fringe is delightful and heres why-

1. it is nerdy science.
2. it has my childhood (joshua jackson)
3. jj abrams


im a friend of the library.

the friends of the library booksale is christmas for people that read.
a giant warehouse at the fairgrounds is filled with donated books and old library books, and then we buy them. simple, but perfect.

first the boys played cards and i napped.

then we went inside where the different sections were color coordinated with balloons (the medical section was black and blue balloons... witty yeah?)

i found this gem! 50¢ of joy.

when we were done shopping we stood in a long line that snaked around the entire room in an ever changing pattern marked by a kid with that yellow sign.

its quite the experience, actually. I wish my quick camera phone shots could convey how giant the room is and how many books you see! I made out this year:

- 3 of 4 James Herriot books
- National Geographic from my birth month (it was the centennial edition)
- pretty blue pocket sonnets
- two eyewitness books, london and paris, to facilitate trip planning
- a book about lung disease that was shaped like lungs (to be given to a friend for her birthday)
- and of course the how to write a romance novel book

after dinner we randomly went home and read a book on the universe for two hours... the three of us scrunched on the couch reading about the rotten egg nebula and light years and dark matter. good friends. this i will miss from my time here.
not so much the 70 degrees yesterday, snowing today weather.


part time fisherman, full time awesome.

obsessed with corey arnold.
but seriously, its hard not to be right?



    I came here to tell of the bells
    that live in the sea
    that dream of the sea ---
    Within the sea.

    Thus I live here.

i love the ocean.
npr loves neradu.


have a good morning.

the office makes me smile.


blah day.

this is how ive been sitting all day.. slumped over. like, "please just let this day be over!"

too much to know and not enough time!
im going to plow through three assignments and half a study guide for next week and then im taking a break (aka work) and watching blindness. not sure if thats going to be especially relaxing but...

mister hates this top. because the flowers are too 80's. precisely why i like it.

this is my mum. she got a haircut today... i know, you thought she was my sister right?
my mom is looking younger than me (to do tomorrow: eliminate bags under eyes)!


oh oh obsession.


see this sandwich?
(thank you joanna goddard for posting this years ago and letting me discover it now)

this is the semester of friendly favorites (and so simple to make): apple/cheddar/raisin bread sandwhiches, bruschetta, couscous salad, grapefruit. foods that welcome you home after a long day with a kiss on the palate.


mmm paris.

i only read ten blogs, and first is always this one.
(is anyone else obsessed with paris?)
the proof of delight is in the pictures:


last of the snow.

the last day of snow, and snow freedom.
i think we used it pretty well.

got a hat- a christmas present that finally came! so worth the wait.

leaving work.. theres something peaceful about a snowy night

the last big part of stalk week (yeah, his department stalks each other for a week. creepy.)



i dont care, i love him.


babies and the hats they wear..

i should just rename my blog.
because all i really want to talk about is the cute babies that people i love have and the hats i crochet for them.


storm of the century!!

snow days bring really tough choices like: should i nap before or after i curl up with hot chocolate and read?


my cousins with giant cowls.
warm necked cousins.

my green boots are from goodwill... and a lifesaver in snow.
and they go delightfully with my bright green cowl. green green green. best color ever.


sewing machine.

when i get home the first thing i am sewing is a whale bag for my mother.
the second thing is that dress.
i. will. have. that. dress.

+ 1

how did this ever go out of fashion?
luckily somebody thought it was great enough to bring back.
oops. buying one.


three delightful things.

today in my wanderings i came across these.
they would make perfect almost-end-of-winter gifts!

the best book ever, but on a t-shirt.

love. en français.

poems about the ocean. perfection.


love month.

this is a part of love.
i love these people even when i dont like them...


snow day #2

spent at jamisons playing EAT IT! (a super hard board game about snacks)


More pics from the wedding... the official ones aren't done yet but the photobooth ones are!
These are my favorites of the bunch.

one thing i loved about this wedding was how much laughing went on... it felt like constant joy.


the angel of snow death.

it was snow bright outside (like what i did there?) that i couldnt even see to take a picture!
so mister has no head.

my holga has lost its flash and i didnt take her in over summer so i took a bunch of pictures today on film.

if there was an award show for the weather i would nominate this storm for coming on the perfect day.

(my friend kristina took this picture of her apartments.)

the only things to be done now are:

drink hot chocolate
take a nap
finish my book