
I think I make some pretty valid points. I'm not a genius or anything but I can say a little something on a few topics... you know, like Star Wars, Bon Jovi, Ataturk. I contribute to discussion. BUT let me write them down, because if I try to talk I sound like I have a brain tumor. I hate that! Does anyone else have that problem? It's not that I'm embarrassed but somehow between my brain and my mouth things go awry! And that's not counting snapping at people and saying things I shouldn't. Maybe I should take a vow of silence?! What an idea, I don't think I'm brave enough!

It's funny cause I'm mouthy when it doesn't matter, can respond to until it gets serious and then I am so worried about conveying what I mean that I convey nothing at all. I think Austin Kleon has the right idea:

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