

I feel like an ad for the Y all the time, but really it's the greatest. Although I haven't been able to shave sitting on the side of the tub which I appreciate there are so many benefits like:
- Being able to watch whatever I want while I work out including but not limited to: cute boys, cute girls, old couples, ESPN, and my feet.
- A great pool that's never crowded before seven.
- 12 week starter programs to help you set goals and achieve them by utilizing the Y.

Blah blah I know. But really my life if going to work and going to work out. Work work work. This weekend is work on Christmas presents weekend (I have them all planned now I just have to buy/make them)! This is going to be the most selfish thing that might ever come out of my mouth but here it is: I like to be done Christmas shopping by black Friday so I can shop for myself. Yikes! I want some knakis and a white shirt like this dashing fellow.

Laughter is the best medicine.

My old dear friend wore this watch to a wedding we attended and I'm digging the retro vibe.

I love peter pan collars! And dresses.

Anybody else going to use these at work?

If I had someone else's life his would be in my top three.


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