

I've done nothing but try to knock out big scale plans for the wedding this week. Work. Tumor board. Wedding. Four Brothers. Do you go back to movies over and over because they are familiar and comforting? Four Brothers should not be comforting but I watched it all nursing school and I immediately dug it out when the lists began for the wedding. It's a silly (a little embarrassing) comfort but there you have it. Going on a breakfast double date with my brother at Kelly's- they make a pesto scrambled eggs with crispy hash browns that is killer. Maybe creating a wedding registry. Hoo boy... it's happening! I'm deliriously happy to soon be married.

(My sweet baby, he's been sleeping in my room all week)

Still hilarious.

Are all the men in this shoot gorgeous or what?

My Mom and I are doing this, my first bike ride (if I don't wuss out)!

We will start saving up for this.

Giving to charity... I knew there was a valid excuse for me buying music from 1D!

1 comment:

  1. Every time I see the word Finance I think fiancee & then I think of you and your getting married & it's just such happy thoughts to be thinking! It's finally happening :) Will you blog about how he proposed?

    That quilt idea is just so you-Snuggled up together in lovely words from people who love you both.
