

Okay, I've had this huge paradigm shift and I'm not even sure if I know what happened enough to share it correctly.
I've completely become disgusted with owning actual movies.

I just felt something comforting in owning a hard copy of movie you know? But I own an external hard drive and if I was that paranoid how hard would it be to own two and keep one out of the house? Which I am... anyway. I don't know if I'll ever buy a movie again. I realized I never watch movies on the tv anymore and my laptop plugs into the tv anyway. And think of all that space streamlined! I view them as knick knacks now.
Who knows if it will last but I'm embracing it while it's here!
Also, can't give up paper copies of books (so it's probably good I've given up movies as I'll need the room)!

Three movies I want to own.

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