

How mind boggling is space!?! And so so pretty.
I will blow up a picture of space for my guest room one day.

Get lost in space at NASA or with the Hubble.



I've been reading JG's old Smitten articles and these ones crack me up!
Guy pretty: button downs
Girl Pretty: gladiator sandals

I got lucky with a fashion forward boyfriend but some days he still looks at my outfits and thinks I'm outrageous! Is there one style that you feel you rock best? I own such a variety of things- mostly I feel confident when I'm showered and I get a long appreciative look from mister that he thinks I don't see...


Yarn is heavenly.

(An etsy blanket that is now gone)

I'm making a new blanket and for the first time I don't have anyone to give it to! It's half done and I have a long drive to Portland this weekend so it'll be almost complete by this time next week... I don't want it to sit around my room but I want it to go to the right person you know? It's a chaotic thing this blanket, lots of colors.

I'm going to switch my efforts to baby booties when it's finished I think since everyone at church gives baby blankets and I can't imagine needing seven newborn blankets. Here are two patterns. Crocheting keeps me from picking at my cuticles, I think it's my gum to cure my smoking habit you know?


What I'm listening to:

I make fun of Joshua because he calls Martin Scorsese "Marty" and Robert DeNiro "Bobby." But I do the same thing with my music! Always comes back to bite you doesn't it!?!
In alphabetical order by first name (as they appear in my ipod like we are bffs):

(not my photos.. duh.)

Jon is obviously top dog but surprisingly Ellie came in a close second this year!!
Did you want a listen? Oh good cause here they are:



So I got caught in an awkward facebook moment this week!
Here's how it went down.

I have a couple terrible facebook habits:
1. I hate to add people so I rarely do.
2. I like to let people stew in my added friends list while I decide if I like them enough to take the time to delete them if I quit liking them (this sounds ridiculous but follow my logic here: it's a ton of work to delete people these days so if I'm not willing to consider going through a refresh cycle for you then why bother adding you in the first place).
3. In addition I don't like especially to add church casual acquaintances. So I ignore them. Without guilt.

So the new preacher calls me out for leaving him in limbo in church today... well played. Can't avoid the guilt of not making the friendship official now! If I have to delete him in six months I"m going to be pissed though!

Aaaaand a funny.



I've been in bed all day.
To combat sickness I've slept, dreamed of this eye pillow, watched live versions of a million British bands WLT and BB, and had chicken noodle soup in bed (and drugs). Stanley makes a great food thermos- that classic green is perfection.

(Same song, it's been a constant in my life for a month and it's still going strong)


Is anyone else freaking out?

I actually squealed when this trailer came on during Hugo. Loudly.
Embarrassingly for my companions.

First weekend.



Can I tell a story?
It might be kinda long but I think that it's worth it.
Like a typical college student I worked as a waitress. One of the people I met working was a WWII soldier in the 65th infantry. He ordered dessert to go and always smiled and was my favorite person to wait on. One day he was reading a hand bound book about the work the 65th division did in the war and we chatted about his role, he casually mentioned that he'd even helped free a concentration camp and of course my interest was 100% engaged. I could interact in the conversation somewhat!

He helped free Mauthausen.
What are the chances that he freed the one camp I'd been to?
After reading the 261st regimental journals and personal testimony and hearing stories returning to Mauthausen was an entirely different experience. The previous trip I remember being completely immersed in the silence and death of the place but I was honored to have the memories and firsthand accounts of the salvation as well this time to temper the atrocity. Not that what happened was any different, or walking the stairs was any less heartbreaking, but it was a perspective not many people can approach the site with.
We often overlook our history and soon we won't have any WWII vets left to overlook. The oral history they can convey is a limited quantity and I feel so lucky to have shared in it.

I don't have much to say about the photos... they are a smattering of the famous points of the camp: the cliffs which lead to the quarry, the stairs (a then and now photo), and a memorial for the 65th infantry division. We walked the three miles from the train to the top of the large hill where the camp is situated- it's a gorgeous landscape. Sometimes it's hard to believe that something so awful could be surrounded by something so lovely.

One last photo, this one is from the DC Holocaust Museum.
Don't skip it if you're in the area.
Of the day this is the photo that has stuck with me from that entire experience. I don't have another concrete vision of that day, this one is seared into my mind so fully.


pencil pouch.

If I had a job, I would snatch this up in a heartbeat.
My poor crochet hooks are lonely and neglected in a ratty bag... so I think I can make own?
I've never sewn a zipper before.

I don't think Bookhou makes one thing I hate.


This cracks me up.

Arsenal vs. Man United on Saturday at 5am. Sleepover?
· · See Friendship · 15 minutes ago

Maybe I'm the only one picturing sixth grade girls watching scary movies (The Haunting was the scary movie when I was in sixth) and doing each others hair in wild fashion. It reality it will be arguing over starters and recent injuries and pajamas with tiny dotted emblems.

Practically the same thing.


Everyone deserves a laugh.

There was a reason for this (it involved trying to raise one eyebrow at a time).
There was not a reason for the other person in this photo to be taking pictures... I should never have taught him that!!


One of my favorite people (I have a couple of those) had a birthday today.
I dearly love birthdays.

I love to celebrate birthdays!
In fact, birthdays are my favorite holiday.
This is where we would have celebrated his birthday IF: I had a job, he had leave, Mister had time off, and I could get my way. I think I could have swung maybe 50% of that. Maybe.

Really though- the happiest place on earth and you've never been? Shame.



Joshua and I accidentally got our friends and family addicted to Walking Dead. Infected them so to speak. So now to welcome series 3 we are hosting a zombie party.

28 Days Later (my FAVORITE although not a pure zombie film)
Dawn of the Dead
Shawn of the Dead

Lady Fingers
Other various foods that sound like body parts (Any ideas? I toyed with blood pudding but it's terrible!)

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Also I accidentally watched a couple episodes of face off (not the Travolta travesty) and this happened to be one of them. All things zombie today.



(I'd credit where I saw this but I got too excited and exited out... sorry).

This is what I want
Right now.
I'm practically hopping around in excitement...

A silly dream but it's mine.


Old Pine.

I'm not musically inclined (as in I listen to the same 10 albums always.. and books on tape..) but I could add this song into the mix (and this one as well) I think. The longer it goes on the more I like it.



At college the local science center had a planetarium and one day we all went on a whim instead of going to a movie. It's warm and dark and a soothing voice whisked you through the nights constellations- I was enthralled! I was also drowsy, it's so relaxing! I think a planetarium would make the perfect nightlight for a kid or a grownup. I think I am a little enthralled.

Here, here, and here (via here)


Manhattan Nest.

A long time ago I found this post about how to wrap your bed frame in wool.
Like a total goose I didn't bother reading the rest of the blog-

Well sir, I've rediscovered you and I'm never letting you gooooooo!


A belated birthday wish.

My friend Callum is 24!
We were prom dates and troublemakers and the loudest two people ever (now were just the last two). I don't think anyone can get me heated about soccer more quickly than Callum bragging with his accent about United. He makes up for it with his cooking- fig and arugula bruschetta from heaven. Somehow, despite our bickering, we've managed to stay friends and now here we are at a birthday!!

(Sophomores in HS? Man we were baby faces then!)

Want to know something silly? This year at his birthday there was a cake so we went looking for candles but there weren't any of the tiny kind so we used three thick tall ones (as thick as your thumb)! It looked ridiculous but I think wishes are still valid which are made on non-birthday candles.
Here's to a successful and joyous year!


Yesterday Joshua and I went to Seattle to see his stepsisters and drop his parents off and on the way home we stopped by Ikea, but we couldn't find it! It was dark and I haven't been since I was a kid. When we got home we found out it was only a block from where we were!!! Dangit!

Anyway, sometimes I plan out my whole apartment and furnish it with Ikea.
NBD. Want to see 9.1.12 home?
It's a cozy studio on the water.

This home would have hardwood floors so I would be "forced" to buy rugs. This is not a terrible imposition because I love them.

Clean lines sofa and only a loveseat (something about giant couches in a tiny area... not this houses thing). Of course my pheasant chair will be moving to this home breaking up the modernness but not unpleasantly. And this weird storage cart (I don't even like turquoise but I cannot give this up)! And a giant bookcase for all my books. Duh. I'm a book hoarder it's terrible! I need an intervention...

I'm going to assume I'm living with my hunk so I need a bit larger space! With cozy sheets and blankets on either of course.

The best part?
Furnishing this place costs: under $1500.



Last week I got talk about Conan with someone who likes his lovely giant red hair.
This never happens.
So lucky!

(Even babies love Conan!)



I think that photoshoots should be done by more people than lovebirds.
Getting engaged?
I guess.

Best mates?

(Here, here, and here)

I can think of no people it would be more fun to get dressed up and take photos with all day than giggly girls.



It's like, I embarrass myself sometimes.
What can you do...
besides watch behind the scenes videos and read GT articles.


'Twas the week after Christmas

And instead of things being quiet around the house

We went to see MI4

Took our traditional family photo

House sat puppy

Cleaned my room up (at this point only my chair was clean but hey, it got there)

And rang in the New Year with cider shots and kissing.