Anyway, I made this cake, which if you use regular flour requires only a couple of new ingredients to make. It wasn't quite at pretty as hers but I don't think it would make one of those pinterest fail posts either!
1. Starbucks hack.
2. This recipe is bananas!
3. Potatoes (the only repeat request from Joshua so far).
4. CAKE!!!
5. Chicken.
6. Spritzer.
I'm pretty sure there is one more that escapes me... ah well. More cooking. Also, I understand that drinks are slightly cheating but I'm not even bothered. I'm making bread tonight and will one day brave this cake. It's a recipe from Rich Table and it's the best cake I've ever had. EVER. With peaches and homemade ice cream and I need to be back in SF to eat it every night. After we got home I googled olive oil cake and their recipe came up! It's Christmas! For olive oil cake.
I need to make all these pronto. Well, Shannon taught me the Starbucks hack, so I can check that box. But I'm drooling over that chicken. And those potatoes. And the bananas. ... basically I'm just drolling a lot.