
bummer week.

well i get out of my cast today so itll be back to real life...

this week i went to a friends wedding and then made my way to portland with my constants from this year... where we played and laughed and sang and such.
until the car got stolen.
with my backpack and camera.. neither of which are irreplaceable but have sentimental value.
ah well.

so back to arty life starting next week? okay!


iron man... kinda.

took the teens to see iron man but we ran out of tickets.
i mean really though, we bought 28!
so we hung out while they watched the movie... with warm seattle weather id say it was a successful afternoon!

this dessert was the best thing i have ever eaten.



im having surgery today.
sir sent me this song.
im digging it.


were not in kansas...

i always have trouble buying shoes (its like jeans...).
but i need red shoes to go with my bridesmaid outfit.
i like flowers and ruffles and straps.

realistic ideas for a wedding in the grass.
oh i wish!

not shoes, but cute!
(all pics today from weheartit or google)


bridesmaid time!

here is my dear friend..
my hobby lobby love, my only see every single day girlfriend for a whole school year.
and shes getting married!
she sent these inspiration boards out today...
im so excited (and heres why!): shes thrifty but shes also cute and creative.. her wedding is going to be gorgeous!



i went to get a trim and came out with bangs!
how did that happen?!
i love it though.

for no reason lately ive really wanted a camper van... and then this one parked next to me at walmart yesterday!



im home, and to celebrate we went and saw iron man 2 at the imax!
my word that screen is HUGE.

traditional family pic... we look less goofy now then we used to.
oh the ocean. just looking at the pictures makes me smile!

oh my.

my heart sings.



man i like edward norton!
after fight club and the painted veil and kingdom of heaven... man. i like edward norton.
im watching the illusionist to take up my layover time.
so close to home!

the airport.
it looks warmer and cozier than it is!
the cinnabon smells amazing though...

since im in phoenix i want to weigh in on the citizen/ papers debate but im not going to.
im going home.
im going to eat pizza and turn my brain off for two days.


tonight i almost swore off entertainment of the tv/movie type.
ill tell you.

after a hard day of work i come home and walk on the tredmill so i can watch lost since everyone i love who watches it is two time zones from me and took their tvs.

then i see my friends and think, "if i go see them theyll cheer me up!"
lovely bones. so so beautiful, but wow. so much intense than the book. more tears.

its stupid, but it makes me weird and lonely.
i have to sleep pronto- early start tomorrow!



so i said goodbye to sir (did i mention hes the love of my life? just checking...) and hopped on a bus for camp. it was so different with more people i knew out there but it was still wonderful.

friends.. .

lunch time!
my camper hated me!
nothing personal though...
lunch time (if it seems like we ate a lot its because we did. fyi)!

i hate it when trite phrases are true... but you really do get more when you give. im blessed every time i help someone. and i learn things about myself and who i am.
i could be a special needs nurse.
i could love it.


pops. twice.

first with the brother for his birthday lunch...

and second for graduation lunch celebration.
ive eaten too many burgers this week.