

I'm halfway through a baby blanket for a baby being induced today.
Except he died yesterday.

How can I look his dad in the face when he comes back to work?
The man who handmade him a toy chest, who smiled so big when he talked about him.
My heart is breaking.
I want life to be different. Not fair, but fair this once.

And what do I do with a blanket for a baby who will never use it? Donate it here.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sad to hear about this, but I'm glad you are sharing. It is a time for grieving;
    You cared enough to share in their joy & expectations of a baby, so I know you'll care enough to share in this. Make sure you tell him that you care & often. Even six months from now, remind him that you still care, because their pain & grief may never fully go away.
