

Went on a new hike this week, down a hill through the trees to an old homestead right on the beach. It was lovely and chilly. Spent the week with my mom- we planned our Malibu road trip a little more and tied a quilt and spent time together. It was nice. Here are all the other things I want to tell you:

(snapped in the old orchard)

I love a good postcard (actually I have a whole collection of them, sent to me and ready to send), via erin jane.

Scotch makes great nail polish, a coral and grey are in my dream future. So does Butter London (I used an entire bottle of Rosie Lee this summer).

I'm dreaming of a black wedge boot for Disneyland and summer!

Speaking of Disneyland have you heard of the fastpass? I'm impressed! They did not have that last time I was there!

Hadestown anyone? I heard a rave review on NPR. I like this song from an earlier album.

I'm considering some labels for my blankets...

I love old people SO MUCH.


  1. Just note, you cannot scamper through the Lands collecting up Fast Passes all at once...So grab the pass you desire the most & once it allows you to gain access to the Fast Pass Line, you'll be able to get another Fast Pass for a different ride.
    EX: Space Mtn. Fast Pass: Return at 10:00-12:00
    At 10:01, you can go grab one from Toy Story!

  2. Thanks for the reminder! I'm sure I'll be so frantic once I'm there all instruction will fly out the window as I squeal and dart around like a child...
