
adios camera!

I'm selling my lovely, reliable, HEAVY camera.
via my friendly friend Jam. As in PB&Jam (which is what I call him when he's not cross with me). And then I'm getting a new, lighter (as in 2 AA's not 4 AA's) one for summer and Europe and beyond!
In the meantime I've been snapping picture with my phone which does not work as well! But is almost nicer because things look as unposed as possible. This. Is. Real. Life.

Jam and Mister. Happy together.

So funny... Jam reminds everyone of Russell. From up. Which makes me smile.
And heres the new camera that is coming after the old one!


  1. i think that's sean's camera.
    it's the next up from mine.

    all i want is for polariods to come back and not cost 324251251 dollars...


  2. It's the only one out right now that takes AA batteries, which was my only requirement. I play with it every time I go to Walmart.
